ResearchIf you are interested in any of the following works, please feel free to contact me.Preprints[P4] Semilinear Dynamic Programming: Analysis, Algorithms, and Certainty Equivalence Properties [P3] Superior Computer Chess with Model Predictive Control, Reinforcement Learning, and Rollout [P2] An Approximate Dynamic Programming Framework for Occlusion-Robust Multi-Object Tracking [P1] Most Likely Sequence Generation for $n$-Grams, Transformers, HMMs, and Markov Chains, by Using Rollout Algorithms Book[B1] Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control (in Chinese) Journal Publications[J6] Parallel Model Predictive Control for Deterministic Systems [J5] Distributed Charging Coordination for Electric Trucks under Limited Facilities and Travel Uncertainties [J4] Exact Dynamic Programming for Positive Systems with Linear Optimal Cost [J3] Rollout-Based Charging Strategy for Electric Trucks with Hours-of-Service Regulations [J2] Rollout Approach to Sensor Scheduling for Remote State Estimation under Integrity Attack [J1] A Cascade Control Approach to Active Suspension Using Pneumatic Actuators Conference Publications[C10] Distributed Charging Coordination of Electric Trucks with Limited Charging Resources [C9] Multiagent Rollout with Reshuffling for Warehouse Robots Path Planning [C8] Performance Bounds of Model Predictive Control for Unconstrained and Constrained Linear Quadratic Problems and Beyond [C7] Data-Driven Rollout for Deterministic Optimal Control [C6] Reinforcement Learning Based Approach for Flip Attack Detection [C5] Linear Time-Varying Model Predictive Control for Automated Vehicles: Feasibility and Stability under Emergency Lane Change [C4] Lambda-Policy Iteration with Randomization for Contractive Models with Infinite Policies: Well-Posedness and Convergence [C3] A Hierarchical Control System for Smart Parking Lots with Automated Vehicles: Improve Efficiency by Leveraging Prediction of Human Drivers [C2] Design and Formal Verification of a Safe Stop Supervisor for an Automated Vehicle [C1] A Geometric Programming Approach to the Optimization of Mechatronic Systems in Early Design Stages Theses[T3] Approximate Methods of Optimal Control via Dynamic Programming Models [T2] Approximate Solution Methods to Optimal Control Problems via Dynamic Programming Models [T1] Control Strategies for Active Suspension with Pneumatic Actuators Media Coverage[M2] Challenges with Automated Vehicles [M1] Ericsson Day 5G Car |